Who We Are

Our History


Founding of Qmetrics, S.A.


Creation of the National Observatory of Human Resources (ONRH) in partnership with APG- Portuguese Association of People Management, APQ- Portuguese Association for Quality and the company Qual.


Creation of Qdata, a company specialized in data collection, thus starting the Qmetrics Group.


Creation of CloudMetrics, a company specialized in monitoring social networks. Creation of the award for the Best Suppliers in Human Resources award, in partnership with the Portuguese People Management Association.


Creation of the Best Team Leaders award, in partnership with Tema Central.


Establishment of partnerships with international companies Qualtrics and Clarabridge.


Creation of Barómetro Gerador Qmetrics.


Update of the Qmetrics group structure: creation of the companies QGA, S.A. and Qmetrics, Lda. Establishment of partnerships with Microsoft in the area of Costumer experience. Leader of the international consortium selected by the European Commitee to develop the project “Measuring the Cultural and Creative Sectors in the EU”.

Mission, Vision and Values


Qmetrics' central mission is to contribute to the competitiveness of companies, supporting them in providing products and / or services with the levels of quality that ensure a positive experience for their customers and employees and, consequently, their development in an increasingly market. competitive and global.


Qmetrics intends to be a reference of rigor and professionalism in its areas of activity, with a high capacity for innovation and value creation for its customers.


The main values ​​that guide Qmetrics' activity are:



We always try to go further in improving the quality of the service we provide to our customers.



We are always open to new ideas that will allow us to improve our work methodologies.



We believe that the need to compete does not exclude the duty to be honest and honest in our behavior.



We respect employees, customers, partners and the community as a whole.

Team Work

Team Work

We recognize that being a member of a successful team is just as important at work as it is in life.

Social Responsability

Social Responsability

Our concerns go well beyond strictly economic objectives. The contribution to the development and well-being of the society in which Qmetrics is inserted is our constant concern.

Management Team

Qmetrics is part of a team of experts in the areas of Data Science, Information Management, Marketing, Economics, Business Management, being able to respond in an integrated manner to the various aspects of the problems posed by its customers.

Pedro Simões Coelho

He is currently Manager of Qmetrics, President of the Board of Directors of QGA, Full Professor at Universidade Nova de Lisboa and President of the Scientific Council of NOVA Information Management School (NOVA IMS). He is also a researcher at the Information Management Research Center (MagIC) at that university, Visiting Professor at the Faculty of Economics - Ljubljana University (FELU) and data and information coordinator at the Clinical Research Unit at Universidade Nova de Lisboa. He is currently a senior consultant at the European Commission, where he develops activities related to the creation and application of methodologies in the scope of the audit of structural funds.

Previously, he was President of the General Assembly of the Portuguese Association of Classification and Data Analysis (CLAD), Member of the Superior Statistical Council of Portugal and President of the Supervisory Board of the European Statistics Center for Developing Countries (CESD-Lisbon) and Director of NOVA Information Management School.

Aggregation in Statistics (NOVA), PhD in Statistics (in the specialty of Surveys and Market Studies), Master in Statistics and Information Management and Degree in Decision Systems Engineering.

He is the author of more than about of two hundred studies and projects, highlighting the coordination of the National Customer Satisfaction Index (ECSI-Portugal) and the SNS Sustainability Index, as well as several projects within the scope of the evaluation of public policies for the Portuguese state and international organizations (ex. European Commission and OECD) and social and economic impact assessment projects in the area of ​​health. He is the author of more than a hundred scientific publications and has also presented close to a hundred seminars, conferences and communications. He has been a consultant to several organizations, notably Eurostat, Banco de Portugal, the National Statistics Institute and the European Commission.

Pedro Simões Coelho
Manuel José Vilares

Manuel José Vilares

He is Co-founder and Manager of Qmetrics. Until very recently, he was Full Professor at NOVA IMS (NOVA Information Management School at Universidade Nova de Lisboa, www.novaims.unl.pt) and Senior Consultant to the Board of Directors of Banco de Portugal.

Previously , was also President of the National Statistics Institute, Founder and first Director of NOVA IMS and Senior Adviser to the European Commission for statistical and economic matters, in the TACIS Programme.

His main areas of consulting, teaching and research are econometrics, economics, statistical information systems, risk analysis and consumer behavior, with particular emphasis on customer experience models. He is the author of numerous books and articles published in Portugal and abroad. Over the years, he has been the Research Coordinator of several projects, the latest being the project developed by a European consortium: “Measuring the Cultural and Creative Sectors in the EU” (2020-2022).

Degree in Economics from the University of Porto, State Doctorate in Economics from the University of Dijon and Aggregate in Econometrics from the NOVA University of Lisbon. Vouters Prize for the best thesis in Economics by the University of Dijon. Awarded “Officier dans l'Ordre des Palmes Académiques” by the French Government.

Manuel José Vilares

Susana Justo

She is General Director of Qmetrics, having held this role since January 2006, Manager of Qdata since February 2008 and Member of the Board of Directors of QGA. She was Director of Studies at Qmetrics, from May 2000 to December 2005. She performs the functions of Technical Director at ONRH (National Observatory of Human Resources). She previously worked as a consultant in the field of market studies and as a statistical technician at ACNielsen.

Post-graduate degree in Marketing Research from the Higher Institute of Economics and Management and Degree in Applied Mathematics from the Faculty of Sciences, University from Porto.

Susana Justo
Sónia Santos

Sónia Santos

She is currently a Team Coordinator at Qmetrics. Its main responsibility is on the coordination of teams, as well as the technical and operational implementation of the projects, the validation of the data collected, the treatment and analysis of data and the preparation of reports.

Postgraduate studies in Marketing Research and CRM (2012) and Degree in Information Management (2011), both from NOVA Information Management School (NOVA IMS).

Sónia Santos